Diagramas de dispersión

Descripcion funcionalidad de Diagramas de Dispersión

The goal of representing the dispersion is to graphically observe the correlation between couple of bands of an image. To visualize the dispersion diagram, use the Remote Sensing toolbar selecting “Raster layer” from the left button and “dispersion diagram” from the left button. Check that in the scrolling text window, the layer over which you want to perform the diagram is selected.


The dialog window will appear as follow.

  1. Area where the graphic will be drawn. This graphic will change as the selected bands are changed. By default, the first graphic is created with band 1 and 2 of the image.
  2. Boxes of the selected bands.
  3. Option to show the graphic ROI editor.

Step by step to define new ROIs in the graphic

(1) Using the contextual menu


(2) Using ROIs editor


Delete a ROI of the graphic

Export a ROI of the graphic to a ROI in the layer

  1. Se ha producido un error en el documento Descripcion funcionalidad de Diagramas de Dispersión , accediendo a la imagen dispersion_Rois.png, que probablemente no existe. No se han encontrado alternativas

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